meet the maker
hello, my name is emily! i am a cinci native and board certified music therapist. i have a passion for serving lots of folks from a variety of backgrounds but a special spot in my heart for older adults + hospice patients.
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as i was completing my music therapy internship, i found myself yearning for a creative outlet. during internship, i had to move away from home + those i love, something that was a tremendous change for my extroverted self. back in cinci, i was working at the most amazing candle company (s/o to @manitoucandleco), and while away, i missed my time creating in the shop. between my love for a good statement earring, all things handcrafted, and small businesses, i decided it was my turn to pursue cherish designs.
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thus far, my customers have truly wowed me. it brings the biggest smile to my face knowing i get to constantly learn, improve, and perfect my art all while bringing joy to others.
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i hope that with every pair worn, it reminds my customers that no matter who they are or where they have come from, that they are enough.
you are loved. you are worthy. you are cherished.
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